Having my own design company, I recently decided to create a few projects for the business.  In my research I found many interesting tidbits about marketing strategies and theories that could be fun to share and, hopefully, start dialogs with others. This is my first serious blog attempt so please excuse rookie and newbie mistakes, I am going to stop being fearful of the process and dive on in, learn by doing,  it’s a work in progress.  At an early age I knew that I was destined to be an artist (third grade actually) in my late teens I attended an art school, specializing in advertising and loved it but was torn between my passion for “fine” art,  many years later and having majored in “fine” art at two colleges with two degrees and a long stint working in professional theatre, I have returned to advertising and design, newly inspired  by the show “Mad Men” and also having a fascination of the craft and profoundly realizing that the turn on is the creative process common in all of the arts. Please feel free to join in and post with your two cents!